Goddess Chocolate's Palace

Welcome to all who love, admire and are just plain curious about Me. You have entered My Palace, My earthly home. There is much to experience and more than one visit may be necessary so I encourage repeat ones as often as you like.

You can subscribe to My Scriptures to stay informed about the Word of the Goddess. I also recommend leaving a little something in the Chocolate Scrolls to become a part of My History. Enjoy yourself and thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Under My Feet

Who wants to be under My feet?  Obviously, that was a rhetorical question since I already know the answer.  Why, everyone of course!  All of you want to be under My feet in some way, form or fashion.   

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone

Feliz Año Nuevo. Heureuse Nouvelle Année. 

May all your dreams be filled with My big chocolate feet in your mouth. Make sure you stick with your new year's resolutions of spending your hard earned money on Me. And may all your wishes of being My number one submissive come true.

Its a new year and Goddess Chocolate is back with a vengeance, better than ever (if that's even possible) and taking no prisoners (okay, well maybe a few). But only if they're very, very bad and need special training.

I plan on traveling more this year so look for Me in your area. Or better yet, you should just go ahead and invite (and I say invite but I mean pay for) Me to come to your location for a weekend. That's a very quick way to be promoted to My number 1 sub list.

Parties, parties, parties! I want to host more parties this year so lets see who's going to help make that happen.