Goddess Chocolate's Palace

Welcome to all who love, admire and are just plain curious about Me. You have entered My Palace, My earthly home. There is much to experience and more than one visit may be necessary so I encourage repeat ones as often as you like.

You can subscribe to My Scriptures to stay informed about the Word of the Goddess. I also recommend leaving a little something in the Chocolate Scrolls to become a part of My History. Enjoy yourself and thanks for stopping by.


Better late than never. After many suggestions from other Goddesses faithful fans, I have finally put together an online store. Buy My things to make Me happy. Keep buying My things so I can buy more.

BLACK FLIP FLOPS - These were acquired mid year 2010. Worn at the pool, on the beach and on very hot days. Sometimes, I even wear them around the house. The white design on them has long since worn off. Used in a few trampling sessions. You can be sure that My sweet scent is in every nook and cranny.

YELLOW STRAPPED PUMPS - Acquired late 2010. I wore these shoes to many nightclubs over the past year...looking very hot on the dance floor. They were also used in trampling sessions. One of the straps actually popped while I was stomping on a guy.

BLACK HEELS - I got these sometime in 2008 so I've had these for a very long time. Nightclubs, dinner dates, office jobs and trampling sessions. I got a lot of use out of them and they reek with My scent.

SOCKS - Holey socks...Dirty socks...Smelly socks. Sure, I have regular ones too. Plain colored or decorated ones. From ankle socks to knee socks. I have them all. Socks are worn 24 hours before shipped.

LEG WEAR - Fishnets...Stockings...Leggings...Tights. Different designs, different colors, thick and thin. Footsies and freebies. Some old, some new but all are worn. Buy them so I can get new ones. Leg wear is worn 24 hours before shipped.

*Items will be removed as soon as payment is received.

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